Millat College

Academic Council

Academic Council

Sl. No.Name of Committees
1College Development and Building Committee
2Academics Monitoring Committee
3Attestation Cell
4Admission Committee
5Research & Development Committee
6Career Councelling and Guidance Cell
7Grievance Redressal Committee
8Science Information & Technology Committee
9UGC/RUSA Finance Committee
10Examination Committee
11E-Resources (SWAYAM,MOOCs,INFLIBNET/ N-LISTetc) Promotion Cell
12Campus maintenance and Discipline Committee
13College Magazine Committee
14Library Automation and maintenance Committee
15Book Purchase Committee
16Student Support & Placement Committee
17Games, literary and Cultural Activities Committee
18Internal Complaint Women’s Committee
19Anti-Ragging Committee
20College RTI Officer
21Community and Social Services Committee
22Press and Electronic Media Committee
23Seminar, Conference/Workshop Committee
24College Alumni Committee
25Staff Room Incharge
26Boy’s Common Room Incharge & Enquiry Office
27Girl’s Common Room Incharge
28Health and Hygiene Cell
29Website Committee
30Councelling Committee
31S.T., S.C. & O.B.C. Cell
32Routine formation Cell
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